Boot2Gecko may be one of the next mobile revolution

A few days ago, Mozilla announced Boot2Gecko (B2G), a mobile operating system based on Javascript. As we all have seen the mobile is taking over the desktop everyday. With this product Mozilla is looking forward to be an alternative to existing actors.
My major surprise was when they talked about building a Javascript API for existing and upcoming hardware like bluetooth. Actually this can be done for the camera on Android but imagine  being able to control a device through a web app, that’s let plenty of opportunities to create some awesome stuff.

B2G devices will be 10 times cheaper than an iPhone, I suppose the B2G phones will not have the same specs of a bleeding edge smartphone but that doesn’t matter. In the next years pre-computed technologies will be more accessible for users and for developers this means that all you need for a powerful device is a the a good interface the ability to browse the web.

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